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Friday, October 31, 2008

Week #4 Study Questions

Timothy (Philippians 2:19-23)

1. Timothy has a mother who is a Christ follower and a grandmother who is a Christ follower (2 Timothy 1:5). What is your family history in relation to God and Christianity (or "religion" for that matter)?

To have a "kindred spirit" (Philippians 2:20) with someone means that he is just like you. If he was in your place it would be as if you were there in person. We are to have a "kindred spirit" with Christ. As we are in His place it needs to be as if He were here in person. How are you doing as a representative of Jesus?

3. Timothy is a convert to Christianity through Paul's ministry and a close friend to Paul. Timothy goes on to be a leader in the church. Paul will write Timothy to encourage him to not be fearful (2 Timothy 1:7). Have you ever been afraid of something? If so, what was it and how did you cope?

4. Some of the most powerful Scripture verses and passages ever written come from the apostle Paul to Timothy. (See 1 Timothy 1:15; 2:5; 4:12; 6:11, 2 Timothy 1:14, 2:15; 3:16-17; 4:7). Read these verses and pick out one that means something to you.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Week #3 Study Questions

Paul's nephew (Acts 23:12-22)

1. You've probably heard the phrase used before as regards someone: "He's/she's an unsung hero." What does "unsung hero" mean and do you know any in your life?

Paul's nephew is in the proverbial "right place at the right time" to hear about the conspiracy against his uncle (Acts 23:16). Have you ever found yourself in the right place at the right time?

3. Many times a believer in Jesus Christ must go against the flow whether it's with his family, friends, co-workers - even fellow church members. Can you remember a time where you didn't go against the flow when you should have?

4. Paul's nephew is instrumental in keeping the Gospel alive (through his uncle!). Whether he knew it at the time or not, the son of Paul's sister plays a crucial role in the plan of God. His actions reach even down to us today. Have you ever thought you were insignificant and that your life didn't matter? Many men think like that. It's a lie.

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Week #2 Study Questions

Apollos (Acts 18:24-28)

1. Apollos is a public speaker extraordinaire (Acts 18:24). He develops an incredible knack for persuading others to his point of view (Acts 18:28). Have you ever known anybody like that - who could craft an argument so attractively/convincingly that others were left speechless?

Though Apollos is incredibly gifted, his knowledge of the Gospel message is limited (Acts 18:25). He needs someone else to teach him the part he's missing (Acts 18:26). Oftentimes when a person is confronted as regards his ignorance, rather than be happy someone cared enough to point it out, he gets mad. Why do you think that is?

3. Some believe Apollos may have been the author of which book in the New Testament? (The book happens to be one which there is much dispute and speculation over who wrote it.)

4. Apollos eventually moves on the Corinth where he becomes a powerful support for the Christian Church there (Acts 18:27-19:1). The problem is that certain believers begin to look to him as their leader instead of Christ (1 Corinthians 1:12; 3:4-6). What might you say to a believer whose fallen into such a trap?

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